How to use Young in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. It took hours for the young boy to put the robot together, but once the toy was intact he played with it nonstop.2. The aging actress was never able to accept the fact that she couldn’t play the young love interest, so she became a recluse to avoid accepting Granny roles.

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Young in Sentence Examples

1. It took hours for the young boy to put the robot together, but once the toy was intact he played with it nonstop.

2. The aging actress was never able to accept the fact that she couldn’t play the young love interest, so she became a recluse to avoid accepting Granny roles.

3. The young rebels are attacking the government because they no longer view the traditional dogma as relevant today.

4. We watched her efflorescence from a girl into a young woman.

5. The pop star always displays a wholesome persona when interacting with her young fans.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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