How to use With No in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. If you study hard enough, you will be able to ace the exam with no trouble whatsoever, even though the subject is not your favorite.2. Many of the important files are unavailable after having been sealed in a secret room with no public access.

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With No in Sentence Examples

1. If you study hard enough, you will be able to ace the exam with no trouble whatsoever, even though the subject is not your favorite.

2. Many of the important files are unavailable after having been sealed in a secret room with no public access.

3. Despite the fact that some of the applicants arrived with no credentials, Mr. Blackstone maintained a receptive attitude during every interview.

4. Syrian refugees felt defenseless, with no way to stop the raging war or escape to another land.

5. When the handyman said he would start working Saturday on the floors, the homeowner grew impatient as the hours ticked away with no sign of the handyman.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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