How to use Versed In in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. Rabbi’s often refer to the Talmud to reinforce their faith and become well versed in religious laws.2. Asia isn’t versed in the art of sewing, but her Aunt Lucille can hem anything she needs to be taken in.

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Versed In in Sentence Examples

1. Rabbi’s often refer to the Talmud to reinforce their faith and become well versed in religious laws.

2. Asia isn’t versed in the art of sewing, but her Aunt Lucille can hem anything she needs to be taken in.

3. The backpacker was well versed in the geography of Europe and knew that she could take a boat from Scotland to Iceland much cheaper than flying.

4. Because the officer is versed in how to shoot a weapon, he rarely ever misses his target.

5. The college student is not well versed in cooking, so she has decided to take a class with a local chef.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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