How to use To Leap in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. The easiest way to identify a grasshopper is by the very long back legs, which it uses to leap high into the air.2. After eating too many cupcakes, the young boy jumped on the couch and began to leap around in a bellicose manner.

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To Leap in Sentence Examples

1. The easiest way to identify a grasshopper is by the very long back legs, which it uses to leap high into the air.

2. After eating too many cupcakes, the young boy jumped on the couch and began to leap around in a bellicose manner.

3. My brother was the first to leap up out of his seat when the magician asked for a volunteer to help.

4. My mother is quick to leap to conclusions when she only gets half the story, so she often ends up angry over something that didn’t even happen.

5. I don’t want to say that my little brother is dopey, but he did think it was a good idea to leap off of the roof of our two-story house.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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