How to use Three Times in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. Tired of eating gruel three times a day, the boy hunted for some vegetables to make a much tastier soup.2. His New Year’s resolution was to run three times a week, but only a month into the year he had already failed.

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Three Times in Sentence Examples

1. Tired of eating gruel three times a day, the boy hunted for some vegetables to make a much tastier soup.

2. His New Year’s resolution was to run three times a week, but only a month into the year he had already failed.

3. My friend challenged me to say a tongue twister three times fast, but it was such a mouthful that I couldn’t manage it.

4. Having been delayed three times already, the despairing couple felt that they would never actually get on a flight home.

5. Because she enjoyed kinesthetic activities, the woman attended Zumba class three times a week.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan (Author of

Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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