How to use The Ship in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. With only one small suitcase, passengers could not bring much on the ship when immigrating to the U.S.2. After the last cargo hauler was fire for stealing from the ship stores, a new stevedore was hired.

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The Ship in Sentence Examples

1. With only one small suitcase, passengers could not bring much on the ship when immigrating to the U.S.

2. After the last cargo hauler was fire for stealing from the ship stores, a new stevedore was hired.

3. Transit to America was tough, with many of the passengers on the ship becoming ill and dying before reaching the harbor.

4. As soon as the ship docks, a large herd of tourists will exit the cruise ship.

5. Water filled the hull of the ship as the main level of the liner began to sink to the ocean floor.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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