How to use The Hole in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. The cat waited patiently for the mouse to reemerge from the hole he ran into after spotting the feline.2. The bird’s long beak was slender enough to reach into the hole and grab the bug.

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The Hole in Sentence Examples

1. The cat waited patiently for the mouse to reemerge from the hole he ran into after spotting the feline.

2. The bird’s long beak was slender enough to reach into the hole and grab the bug.

3. Attempting to retrieve his bone, Sparky dug through the wet clod of dirt which crumbled to the side of the hole exposing the top of his rawhide bone.

4. Even though the ear piercing did not hurt at first, the cartilage around the hole became tender over time.

5. Since the dog didn’t see the hole, it was not surprising that it would fall down the hole and have to claw his way out of it.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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