How to use Stew in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. A culinary misstep, the silly chef accidentally added sugar to the stew instead of salt.2. My mother has always been able to make a braw stew on any day of the week, perfect for warming one’s stomach and heart.

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Stew in Sentence Examples

1. A culinary misstep, the silly chef accidentally added sugar to the stew instead of salt.

2. My mother has always been able to make a braw stew on any day of the week, perfect for warming one’s stomach and heart.

3. The poof family could only afford to make slumgullion and slurped the thin stew at every meal.

4. With both a repellent look and smell, the fish head stew made my stomach instantly queasy.

5. In Ireland, stew is a diet staple and can be prepared the traditional way: with potatoes and red meat, or unconventional with exotic spices and lentils.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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