How to use Smoothly in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. The chef used a spatula to spread the frosting smoothly and evenly across the cake.2. Everything was running smoothly in the well-established beauty salon business because it has been working well for many years.

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Smoothly in Sentence Examples

1. The chef used a spatula to spread the frosting smoothly and evenly across the cake.

2. Everything was running smoothly in the well-established beauty salon business because it has been working well for many years.

3. After an oil change and a tuneup the car was running smoothly again.

4. Everything was going smoothly during his driver’s test until he forgot to use his signal to turn and drove through a stop sign.

5. The ballerina prayed that her performance of Swan Lake would go smoothly but was so nervous she stumbled through half of her steps.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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