How to use Shadows in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. Looking out at the skyline from his balcony, Timothy couldn’t believe how the tree’s shadows looked as if they were touching the clouds.2. Eerie echoing in the tenebrous corridor was almost as scary as the dark shadows that seemed to dance on the walls.

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Shadows in Sentence Examples

1. Looking out at the skyline from his balcony, Timothy couldn’t believe how the tree’s shadows looked as if they were touching the clouds.

2. Eerie echoing in the tenebrous corridor was almost as scary as the dark shadows that seemed to dance on the walls.

3. While drawing the picture of the child with a dark pencil, the illustrator wanted to create a chiaroscuro in her masterpiece by creating shadows to highlight the child’s cheek.

4. The deer lay in repose in the shadows of the forest, blessedly unaware that hunting season had begun.

5. When my mother lit the candle in the darkness, it was nice to see the light adumbrate our shadows on the wall.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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