How to use Severance in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. Because the man was justly fired for stealing company firms, he is not eligible for this year’s bonus or a severance package.2. Before leaving the radio station for a career in marketing, the savvy spokeswoman made sure to negotiate a hefty severance package.

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Severance in Sentence Examples

1. Because the man was justly fired for stealing company firms, he is not eligible for this year’s bonus or a severance package.

2. Before leaving the radio station for a career in marketing, the savvy spokeswoman made sure to negotiate a hefty severance package.

3. When Ted was forced to take early retirement, he received two year’s severance pay as compensation for his job loss.

4. Unable to come to an agreement regarding working hours, severance from the cleaning company was the only solution the contractor could come up with.

5. A severance payment was made to the former employee one month after she left the organization.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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