How to use Seasonal in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. UPS and FedEx will hire thousands of seasonal employees commensurate to the increased volume in orders during the holiday season.2. Many of the rafting guides in northern Georgia were seasonal workers since changes in temperature forced them to look for other work.

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Seasonal in Sentence Examples

1. UPS and FedEx will hire thousands of seasonal employees commensurate to the increased volume in orders during the holiday season.

2. Many of the rafting guides in northern Georgia were seasonal workers since changes in temperature forced them to look for other work.

3. Sarah always enjoyed attending the annual autumn fair because it meant eating local seasonal food that was only prepared in October.

4. The store managers will assign daily duties to the seasonal employees.

5. With the Christmas deadline getting closer, the store manager decided to hire seasonal help to aid the team in meeting its goal.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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