How to use Scheme in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. The thief’s half-baked scheme landed him in jail right after he committed the crime.2. In the grand scheme of things, so many of our problems are actually quite infinitesimal, and you shouldn’t waste the energy worrying about them.

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Scheme in Sentence Examples

1. The thief’s half-baked scheme landed him in jail right after he committed the crime.

2. In the grand scheme of things, so many of our problems are actually quite infinitesimal, and you shouldn’t waste the energy worrying about them.

3. After the police conducted their investigation, they realized the suspect had created an insidious scheme by which he tricked elderly people out of their medications.

4. Tom is always coming up with some cockamamie scheme to catch Jerry, but his silly plans never work.

5. While the two women fought, their former best friend smiled as she watched her perfidious scheme unfold.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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