How to use Reflexively in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. Painful stimuli like a bee sting or a burning stovetop will cause you to reflexively jerk your hand away from the source.2. While the car was spinning out of control, the driver reflexively hit her brakes out of instinct.

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Reflexively in Sentence Examples

1. Painful stimuli like a bee sting or a burning stovetop will cause you to reflexively jerk your hand away from the source.

2. While the car was spinning out of control, the driver reflexively hit her brakes out of instinct.

3. The girl is reflexively opposed to taking medication and will gag if she even thinks about a pill.

4. After facing several discriminatory run-ins, many of the residents are reflexively afraid of police officers.

5. The mother reflexively assumed it was her son who had broken the window since he had did it many times before.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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