How to use Rang in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. When the doorbell rang in the middle of the night, I would enrobe myself with my yellow bathrobe over my pajamas before answering the door.2. When the office phones rang simultaneously, the inexperienced receptionist became anxious.

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Rang in Sentence Examples

1. When the doorbell rang in the middle of the night, I would enrobe myself with my yellow bathrobe over my pajamas before answering the door.

2. When the office phones rang simultaneously, the inexperienced receptionist became anxious.

3. The children rang the doorbell and then ran away as soon as someone answered the call.

4. Wailing sirens and ululating alarms rang throughout the city as gunshots rang out in the night.

5. Every moment, the doorbell rang so that twelve people had entered our house within 20 minutes.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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