How to use Pulling Out in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. Although I spent hours building my daughter’s dollhouse, I was shocked to watch her obliterate it simply by pulling out one of the support columns.2. By holding open the car door and pulling out his date’s seat at dinner, the woman was impressed by her blind date’s gallantry.

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Pulling Out in Sentence Examples

1. Although I spent hours building my daughter’s dollhouse, I was shocked to watch her obliterate it simply by pulling out one of the support columns.

2. By holding open the car door and pulling out his date’s seat at dinner, the woman was impressed by her blind date’s gallantry.

3. Compared to all the bystanders who just stood by doing nothing, Don became an inadvertent hero by running up to the wrecked car and pulling out the frightened toddler.

4. Stupefying my infant son is as easy as pulling out a toy he didn’t know I had from behind my back.

5. James showed his dissent with the police officer’s request by pulling out his gun and firing.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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