How to use Prom in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. Kasey was embarrassed that it took her almost 5 minutes to append her prom date’s corsage to his tux.2. My date’s eyes grew big as he watched me saunter down the steps in my prom dress.

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Prom in Sentence Examples

1. Kasey was embarrassed that it took her almost 5 minutes to append her prom date’s corsage to his tux.

2. My date’s eyes grew big as he watched me saunter down the steps in my prom dress.

3. For Kara, the prom was one of the most momentous events of her life.

4. My father gave me the latitude to choose my own curfew on prom night.

5. The student council announced that hereafter they would no longer accept checks for prom tickets and only take cash or credit cards.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan (Author of

Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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