How to use Prediction in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. During March Madness, many basketball fanatics will make a prediction for which NBA basketball team will win the tournament based on their knowledge of those teams.2. A horoscope is a prediction of your future based on the positions of both stars and planets during the time of your birth.

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Prediction in Sentence Examples

1. During March Madness, many basketball fanatics will make a prediction for which NBA basketball team will win the tournament based on their knowledge of those teams.

2. A horoscope is a prediction of your future based on the positions of both stars and planets during the time of your birth.

3. A prediction could be made regarding the outcome of a random car accident on the dangerous road based on the number of deaths that occur on that road every year.

4. A theoretical prediction about the next election was supported with pages of information about previous elections as well as interviews with current voters.

5. Meteorologists forebode the bad weather, but their prediction was a lot milder than the actual storm.

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