How to use Pass in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. To avoid the irksome security lines at the airport, Rick has applied for a screening pass that will allow him to reach his gate more quickly.2. Before Gail can pass the test, she must indeed study.

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Pass in Sentence Examples

1. To avoid the irksome security lines at the airport, Rick has applied for a screening pass that will allow him to reach his gate more quickly.

2. Before Gail can pass the test, she must indeed study.

3. Only VIP pass holders could access the backstage areas at the concert.

4. Before her first day of school, Mae acquired all of the necessary books and supplies needed to pass her courses.

5. The students taking place in high stakes testing have a lot to lose, as they will not get to go on to the next grade if they don’t pass the exam.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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