How to use Nowise in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. Due to her angelic face, people believed that she was nowise deceiving anybody with her explanation of her tardiness.2. With only 10 seconds on the clock, players would nowise shoot and win the game with such little time.

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Nowise in Sentence Examples

1. Due to her angelic face, people believed that she was nowise deceiving anybody with her explanation of her tardiness.

2. With only 10 seconds on the clock, players would nowise shoot and win the game with such little time.

3. When the chef hurriedly tried to make an unknown recipe, the cookies were nowise terrible.

4. Her speech dragged on forever and made the audience lose interest since she is nowise providing important information to them.

5. Since the girl had a strong Australian accent, she was nowise able to get her message across to the people listening to her.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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