How to use Museums in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. My natural affinity for the arts has led me to museums located all over the world.2. The gentrified metropolitan area was filled with posh restaurants and polished museums only suitable for those of a certain income bracket.

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Museums in Sentence Examples

1. My natural affinity for the arts has led me to museums located all over the world.

2. The gentrified metropolitan area was filled with posh restaurants and polished museums only suitable for those of a certain income bracket.

3. During the war, the invading soldiers tried to desecrate the churches and museums by painting skulls on the walls.

4. Most of the totem poles you see in museums or elsewhere are comprised of different animals that have some spiritual importance to the society that built them.

5. Whenever museums switch their displays, they put artifacts in temperature-controlled storage areas.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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