How to use Murmured in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. Samantha was so frightened by the thief’s gun that she murmured her responses to his questions, only serving to agitate him even more.2. Anthony murmured something in reply, but no one was able to make out exactly what it was that he said.

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Murmured in Sentence Examples

1. Samantha was so frightened by the thief’s gun that she murmured her responses to his questions, only serving to agitate him even more.

2. Anthony murmured something in reply, but no one was able to make out exactly what it was that he said.

3. Dyspeptic in nature, the woman settled into bed and cried as she murmured about her horrible life.

4. The guy dressed in black murmured to me that he was a spy and then vanished into thin air.

5. The men quickly murmured their prayers because they did not want to antagonize their captors.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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