How to use Motion in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. Unlike its cousin the rabbit, the hare moves with a leaping motion instead of a hop.2. For some people, the constant motion and life-like quality of 3D film makes them feel vertiginous and off-balanced.

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Motion in Sentence Examples

1. Unlike its cousin the rabbit, the hare moves with a leaping motion instead of a hop.

2. For some people, the constant motion and life-like quality of 3D film makes them feel vertiginous and off-balanced.

3. With a wave of his hand, the teacher began to motion for the students to come back inside.

4. Because Gary wanted the promotion, he set a machination in motion to make his competition appear incompetent.

5. My defensive puppy can sense any motion in the house and barks at the first sign of movement.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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