How to use Monthly in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. At the monthly meeting, the management team and the workers started a candid dialogue about the working conditions at the factory.2. The bank will waive the monthly account fee if I use my debit card five times in a thirty-day period.

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Monthly in Sentence Examples

1. At the monthly meeting, the management team and the workers started a candid dialogue about the working conditions at the factory.

2. The bank will waive the monthly account fee if I use my debit card five times in a thirty-day period.

3. In her monthly speech, the school counselor will exhort the students to plan for their futures so they will be prepared for life.

4. The monthly payment amount on the credit card is fifty dollars, but Bev always pays a little extra towards the balance.

5. Parents appreciated not having monthly tuition payments altered, and the invoice provided clear documentation of the expenses incurred throughout the year.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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