How to use Magnify in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. Hearing bumps in the closet and scratching outside her window was enough to magnify the little girl’s fear of monsters.2. My sister is an exaggerator who likes to magnify even the smallest symptoms when she is sick.

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Magnify in Sentence Examples

1. Hearing bumps in the closet and scratching outside her window was enough to magnify the little girl’s fear of monsters.

2. My sister is an exaggerator who likes to magnify even the smallest symptoms when she is sick.

3. A telescope uses two lenses to magnify distant visuals and make them easier to see, something that was very useful for sailors in the past looking for land.

4. Since the students used the glasses to magnify the small bugs, they were able to see the tiny creatures.

5. Try as she might, the cheap microscope that Bella purchased at the flea market could not magnify anything.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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