How to use Listen To in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. When I was a teenager, I would avoid my mother so I would not have to listen to her rebuke my clothing choices.2. Jacob’s father instructed him not to leave the house after dark, but the teen didn’t listen to his warning.

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Listen To in Sentence Examples

1. When I was a teenager, I would avoid my mother so I would not have to listen to her rebuke my clothing choices.

2. Jacob’s father instructed him not to leave the house after dark, but the teen didn’t listen to his warning.

3. Because he didn’t listen to the teacher during the lecture, the student didn’t know the main takeaway or any central points of the lesson.

4. With his stethoscope, the doctor placed the chest piece near my sternum to listen to the sounds of my heart.

5. Because Janice did not listen to her parents, she found herself in a financial morass and could not pay her bills.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan (Author of

Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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