How to use Lethargic in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. Newborns are often lethargic and sleep a lot when firstborn, but their listlessness is usually replaced with energy after the fourth month.2. The parents were surprised by their lethargic toddler’s indolence since he was usually running about playing instead of laying around.

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Lethargic in Sentence Examples

1. Newborns are often lethargic and sleep a lot when firstborn, but their listlessness is usually replaced with energy after the fourth month.

2. The parents were surprised by their lethargic toddler’s indolence since he was usually running about playing instead of laying around.

3. Even though the tortoise kept up a lethargic pace throughout his race with the hare, his persistence paid off in the end.

4. The hebetudinous student seemed lethargic when it came to his studies and refused to put any effort towards his studies.

5. The reviews were not very complimentary, saying that the lead actor’s portrayal of his character was lethargic and unimaginative.

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