How to use Invalidate in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. 5. The 21st amendment served to invalidate the 18th amendment by repealing the prohibition act.2. 2. The higher court’s ruling will invalidate the jury’s decision and free a wrongly imprisoned man.

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Invalidate in Sentence Examples

1. 5. The 21st amendment served to invalidate the 18th amendment by repealing the prohibition act.

2. 2. The higher court’s ruling will invalidate the jury’s decision and free a wrongly imprisoned man.

3. 3. When the probate court decided to invalidate my father’s will, it took away my inheritance.

4. 1. If your tickets are stolen, the distributor can invalidate them so they can’t be used.

5. 4. The scientist was able to invalidate his peer’s theory by proving the hypothesis wasn’t possible in a normal environment.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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