How to use In Case in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. All financial institutions must have an insurance provision in case of theft or natural disaster.2. The student made sure to complete every extra credit assignment as a safety net in case she failed her midterm.

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In Case in Sentence Examples

1. All financial institutions must have an insurance provision in case of theft or natural disaster.

2. The student made sure to complete every extra credit assignment as a safety net in case she failed her midterm.

3. Viv and Ben don’t own a car, but they bought a house with an attached garage just in case they decide to invest in a vehicle.

4. The round compass was placed in the emergency bag so that the campers had a tool to use in case they got lost.

5. This TV I have is so perfect that I use it as a touchstone to compare all other TVs in the world to, just in case I ever have to buy a new one.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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