How to use Icy in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. Because it snows a lot during the winter, the whole month of December is usually spent playing in the icy cold snow.2. Extremely cold days and sub-zero nights caused the icy city to become something like a ghost town.

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Icy in Sentence Examples

1. Because it snows a lot during the winter, the whole month of December is usually spent playing in the icy cold snow.

2. Extremely cold days and sub-zero nights caused the icy city to become something like a ghost town.

3. The tundra biome consists of icy landscapes, heavily furred woodland animals, and cool to freezing temperatures.

4. By placing a pair of fuzzy wool socks on her feet, the woman hoped that her icy toes would soon warm.

5. You should avoid driving during the snowstorm because the icy roads are perilous.

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