How to use Hurried in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. Seconds after Bobby positioned the magnifying glass between the sun and the ant hill, thousands of frantic ants began a hurried exodus in search of safer ground.2. Rushing through the hallway, the tardy students hurried past on another to get to class.

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Hurried in Sentence Examples

1. Seconds after Bobby positioned the magnifying glass between the sun and the ant hill, thousands of frantic ants began a hurried exodus in search of safer ground.

2. Rushing through the hallway, the tardy students hurried past on another to get to class.

3. Hearing the eagle’s loud screech from above, the rabbit hurried out of sight.

4. The hurried hairdresser rarely fixed her own hair in the morning; instead she piled her wild locks into a messy bun and ran out the door.

5. The hurried customer pushed herself to festinate past the other shoppers in an effort to grab the last blender on the shelf.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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