How to use Garnish in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. Please tear a sprig from that bunch of parsley to garnish that plate with before serving it.2. Grated cheese and fancy pieces of tomato were used to garnish the salad bowl.

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Garnish in Sentence Examples

1. Please tear a sprig from that bunch of parsley to garnish that plate with before serving it.

2. Grated cheese and fancy pieces of tomato were used to garnish the salad bowl.

3. The five-course meal looks amazing, but it wouldn’t hurt to garnish the chicken with a scoop of gravy.

4. Fresh dill and other herbs can be used to garnish an otherwise drab looking dish.

5. After dividing the meal onto six different plates, the only thing left to do was garnish the chicken with a dust of Parmesan.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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