How to use Foul in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. Plumbers may cause a foul sight for homeowners since they frequently will bend over without their pants being completely at their waistline.2. The militant group views the government as a malefactor that should be disbanded because of its foul deeds.

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Foul in Sentence Examples

1. Plumbers may cause a foul sight for homeowners since they frequently will bend over without their pants being completely at their waistline.

2. The militant group views the government as a malefactor that should be disbanded because of its foul deeds.

3. After eating sardines, it left a foul taste in my mouth due to the fishiness of the food.

4. Even though I had been looking forward to seeing the movie, I walked out of the theater after thirty minutes because of so much gratuitous foul language.

5. When the intoxicated customer was refused bar service, he shot off a fusillade of foul words at the bartender.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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