How to use Foods in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. Although I respect the chef, her illogical philosophy on “healthy” fried foods does not make sense to me.2. Afraid that he might keel over dead, the man always made sure to avoid the foods he was allergic to.

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Foods in Sentence Examples

1. Although I respect the chef, her illogical philosophy on “healthy” fried foods does not make sense to me.

2. Afraid that he might keel over dead, the man always made sure to avoid the foods he was allergic to.

3. Party foods like sandwiches, chips, and desserts are extremely popular at potluck parties.

4. If you are on a diet, you must use temperance to stop yourself from eating foods you shouldn’t so that you keep your weight in check.

5. Monstrous amounts of foods are needed to feed the hundreds of refugees who showed up at the soup kitchen.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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