How to use Flag in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. Reaching the summit on the mountain, the team excitedly planted the American flag into the ground.2. The patriotic man lost respect for anyone who did not vail the flag on Memorial Day to honor those soldiers who died in past wars.

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Flag in Sentence Examples

1. Reaching the summit on the mountain, the team excitedly planted the American flag into the ground.

2. The patriotic man lost respect for anyone who did not vail the flag on Memorial Day to honor those soldiers who died in past wars.

3. You could hear the swish of the flag flapping in the strong winds.

4. The troops plan to beleaguer the enemy’s city walls until the white flag is raised.

5. Even with the bombs going off around him, the soldier could still descry his country’s flag flying high in the distance.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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