How to use Felled in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. Pressed for time, the woman told her daughter to pump gas while she went into the store to pick up the things they needed so they could knock out the last of their errands in true spoonerism fashion, in “one swelled foop” (one felled swoop).2. A baby bird felled from the nest when the mother bird bumped him out of the nest in an attempt to make him fly.

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Felled in Sentence Examples

1. Pressed for time, the woman told her daughter to pump gas while she went into the store to pick up the things they needed so they could knock out the last of their errands in true spoonerism fashion, in “one swelled foop” (one felled swoop).

2. A baby bird felled from the nest when the mother bird bumped him out of the nest in an attempt to make him fly.

3. As the tree felled across the forest, the lumberjacks would move to the next tree and start the process over again.

4. When the Boeing 747 felled from the sky, the plane crashed into a fireball on the farmland below.

5. During autumn the leaves felled from the oak trees down to the ground in a rhythmic pattern one after the other.

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