How to use Disney World in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. Learning that they were going to Disney World put untold jubilance on the child’s open face.2. Each sibling was given a Disney World bracelet and t-shirt before their family vacation.

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Disney World in Sentence Examples

1. Learning that they were going to Disney World put untold jubilance on the child’s open face.

2. Each sibling was given a Disney World bracelet and t-shirt before their family vacation.

3. The welcoming staff at Disney World make all of the guests feels as if they have a friend.

4. Taking a week’s vacation, the family decided to take a trip to Disney World to see Mickey Mouse and ride roller coasters.

5. When the parents told the children they would be going to Disney World tomorrow, an outcry of jubilation filled the room.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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