How to use Difficulties in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. Germany’s citizens suffered many financial difficulties due to the outcome of World War I.2. Because he was born with no legs, the disabled boy faced many difficulties when it came to moving around.

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Difficulties in Sentence Examples

1. Germany’s citizens suffered many financial difficulties due to the outcome of World War I.

2. Because he was born with no legs, the disabled boy faced many difficulties when it came to moving around.

3. Few people try to rob banks outright these days since there is so much ado involved, and those complications and difficulties usually get them arrested.

4. Because they were facing difficulties in their home country, the struggling refugees left to pursue a better life elsewhere.

5. The girl’s poor spelling and difficulties with comprehension led her teacher to give a dyslexia screener.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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