How to use Deprived in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. When children are neglected by their parents, they are deprived of love and support.2. The process of leaf abscission makes Wendy depressed, as if the tree was becoming deprived of its young.

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Deprived in Sentence Examples

1. When children are neglected by their parents, they are deprived of love and support.

2. The process of leaf abscission makes Wendy depressed, as if the tree was becoming deprived of its young.

3. It is sad to think that many animals suffer at the hands of an abusive owner every day, being physically beaten or deprived of nutrition on a regular basis.

4. Jane fell asleep while driving because she had been deprived of sleep for nearly two days.

5. According to the Geneva Convention, prisoners of war should not be deprived of the basic necessities required for life.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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