How to use Deflect in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. The defense attorney was able to deflect the prosecutor’s questioning causing the judge to require the prosecutor to ask different questions.2. During the basketball game, the star player could jump and deflect any opponent’s shot in the air.

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Deflect in Sentence Examples

1. The defense attorney was able to deflect the prosecutor’s questioning causing the judge to require the prosecutor to ask different questions.

2. During the basketball game, the star player could jump and deflect any opponent’s shot in the air.

3. The troublemaking child could deflect any blame placed on him because he was so experienced at getting out of trouble.

4. When asked about the salary, the potential candidate was able to deflect this question by beginning to talk about his background.

5. Since the young child never filtered anything he said, the parents were ready to deflect any embarrassing topic the child would start to discuss.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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