How to use Deficit in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. If we correct your son’s learning deficit at the beginning of the year, there won’t be a need for remedial education during the summer.2. Because of a dopamine deficit in her brain, the patient rarely feels happy or excited without medication.

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Deficit in Sentence Examples

1. If we correct your son’s learning deficit at the beginning of the year, there won’t be a need for remedial education during the summer.

2. Because of a dopamine deficit in her brain, the patient rarely feels happy or excited without medication.

3. Our team must vanquish a ten-point deficit in order to come back and win the championship.

4. When the mall opened our small clothing store was forced to close because of a deficit of shoppers.

5. People who suffer from attention deficit disorders learn best through succinct lectures which do not require them to focus for long periods of time.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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