How to use Carpet in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. The matted green, shag rug was pulled up and replaced with a carpet that wasn’t as rough.2. The red mark on the white carpet came from lipstick being smeared into the material.

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Carpet in Sentence Examples

1. The matted green, shag rug was pulled up and replaced with a carpet that wasn’t as rough.

2. The red mark on the white carpet came from lipstick being smeared into the material.

3. The installers chose to underlay the carpet with foam padding to make the floor covering more forgiving for falls.

4. Because laying carpet can be a difficult task, the homeowners hired someone to place it correctly.

5. As the server drops the three opened bottles of honey, the contents ooze onto the carpet creating a mess.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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