How to use Bursts in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. In Africa we got an up-close view of the swiftness and agility of the cheetah, with its explosive bursts of speed.2. Using the spray bottle, the hairdresser was able to spritz her client’s locks with quick bursts of hairspray.

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Bursts in Sentence Examples

1. In Africa we got an up-close view of the swiftness and agility of the cheetah, with its explosive bursts of speed.

2. Using the spray bottle, the hairdresser was able to spritz her client’s locks with quick bursts of hairspray.

3. Dolphins emit bursts of sound to communicate and to locate objects.

4. Lately, my normally happy-go-lucky mother has been displaying random bursts of anger for no reason.

5. If my mother does not take her antidepressants, she has a hard time upholding her equanimity and often bursts into tears.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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