How to use Brightly in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. Once the sun had set below the horizon, the once brightly lit forest was engulfed in darkness.2. Due to the length and brightly colored dashiki, the woman paired it with black leggings so that her pants would be a solid dark color.

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Brightly in Sentence Examples

1. Once the sun had set below the horizon, the once brightly lit forest was engulfed in darkness.

2. Due to the length and brightly colored dashiki, the woman paired it with black leggings so that her pants would be a solid dark color.

3. The sun shone brightly over the Pacific coast and made the water sparkle.

4. Amber’s lustrous eyes shined brightly under the glow of the full moon.

5. We were amazed by the downtown skyline at night and how the brightly lit buildings filled the horizon.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan (Author of

Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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