How to use Benefits in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. My mother became eligible for medicare when she reached 65 years of age and wasn’t receiving health benefits from her job anymore.2. Because the devious salesman wanted to make his sales quota, he began to lie to potential customers about the benefits of his product.

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Benefits in Sentence Examples

1. My mother became eligible for medicare when she reached 65 years of age and wasn’t receiving health benefits from her job anymore.

2. Because the devious salesman wanted to make his sales quota, he began to lie to potential customers about the benefits of his product.

3. For many years every state decided to criminalize marijuana, but now several states are making it legal because they see the medical benefits of the drug.

4. Since we are not receiving any type of pecuniary benefits from our restaurant, we have decided to close its doors.

5. Court documents claim that the worker stole thousands of dollars of funds in the form of impermissible benefits she didn’t earn.

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