How to use Autonomy in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. Because James does not have the autonomy to reduce car prices, he must first consult with his manager before agreeing to your terms.2. After the internal war, the island portion of the country received autonomy from the national government and now displays its own flag.

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Autonomy in Sentence Examples

1. Because James does not have the autonomy to reduce car prices, he must first consult with his manager before agreeing to your terms.

2. After the internal war, the island portion of the country received autonomy from the national government and now displays its own flag.

3. As soon as children become old enough to walk and talk, they seek autonomy to make their own choices.

4. Having autonomy gives you the right to live your life without consulting others.

5. The owner of the franchise restaurant wants the autonomy to add his own items to the corporate menu.

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