How to use Appropriately in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. Actors must rely on the people that run their wardrobe to outfit them appropriately for their cinematic role.2. Buddhist statues were appropriately situated in various places among the sanctified artifacts n the stupa.

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Appropriately in Sentence Examples

1. Actors must rely on the people that run their wardrobe to outfit them appropriately for their cinematic role.

2. Buddhist statues were appropriately situated in various places among the sanctified artifacts n the stupa.

3. 3. Since the sailors were under the aegis of their commanding officer, they knew to behave appropriately while on leave.

4. Managers expect to see professionalism in the workplace by the employees speaking appropriately and doing their job efficiently.

5. Even though the information seems rudimentary, a review of the basics now and then will ensure that you will respond appropriately in emergency situations.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan (Author of

Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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