How to use Aphorism in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. When Jack made his wedding toast, he included a marital aphorism that made everyone in the room laugh.2. To lighten the mood after the serious sermon, the pastor shared an aphorism about the benefits of being a good neighbor.

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Aphorism in Sentence Examples

1. When Jack made his wedding toast, he included a marital aphorism that made everyone in the room laugh.

2. To lighten the mood after the serious sermon, the pastor shared an aphorism about the benefits of being a good neighbor.

3. While Ted’s aphorism was short and funny, it was enough to make us briefly forget our father was having life-saving surgery.

4. The popular aphorism gives advice in a manner that is both witty and concise.

5. Bill began his speech with a humorous aphorism from one of his favorite authors.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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