How to use Ago in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. Though he loved his concubine the most, the king decided long ago just to have one wife.2. A small settlement was founded just fifty years ago has now bloomed into a thriving city.

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Ago in Sentence Examples

1. Though he loved his concubine the most, the king decided long ago just to have one wife.

2. A small settlement was founded just fifty years ago has now bloomed into a thriving city.

3. The overdue mother’s due date had passed a week ago and she couldn’t wait to have her baby.

4. An academic intellectual authored the tome hundreds of years ago that is still used today by many philosophy students.

5. The Himalayas were formed over 50 million years ago when plates collided deep within the Earth.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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