How to use Aerial in a sentence

10+ sentence examples found: 1. An aerial walk through the rainforest contains suspended bridges that make it seem you are walking on air.2. With assistance from the aerial team, the police on the ground will conduct reconnaissance on the suspect.

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Aerial in Sentence Examples

1. An aerial walk through the rainforest contains suspended bridges that make it seem you are walking on air.

2. With assistance from the aerial team, the police on the ground will conduct reconnaissance on the suspect.

3. The latest aerial cameras are capable of capturing the Earth’s topography from space.

4. During the aerial attack, bombs were dropped from the sky and exploded over Baghdad.

5. The general’s plan is to obliterate the enemy’s military runways so their fighter planes cannot launch an aerial attack.

6. Lost in an aerial expedition, Amelia Earhart’s plane was never recovered.

7. Snapping a panoptic aerial photo of the base, the solider planned to use this information to help military strategists devise a plan.

8. An aerial view of the massive blob in the ocean was finally figured out by the pilots to be a pod of whales.

9. Militaries are now able to make safer attacks by remotely spying on their enemy using aerial drones.

10. An aerial view of the city showed just how cluttered and crowded the metropolitan area looks from above.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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